February 12, 2025

Differences Between 3 Popular Types of Parking Lifts

The United States has the most cars than any other country in the world. In fact, statistics show that there are 300 million cars throughout the United States. Considering that, many of these vehicles will eventually run into problems that need to be fixed. Therefore, it’s important that you’re able to utilize the right kind of repair equipment. It’s often essential for many auto repair businesses to have vehicle lifts. That being said, you might find yourself wondering about which lifts are right for your shop. With that in mind, here are the main difference between three popular types of car lifts.

The Access Offered by Two Post Lifts

The average automobile contains nearly 30,000 separate parts. Considering that, there are often situations where you’ll find yourself needing to get to odd angles underneath a vehicle. If your business works on a wide range of automobiles, it’s wise to utilize two post lifts. One of the most popular two post lifts is the BendPak XPR 10AS LP. The XPR 10AS LP features an adjustable top beam that makes it easy for this lift to fit in more narrow spaces. In addition, the XPR 10AS LP is notable for featuring pads made from polyurethane. This material works well to help protect the XPR 10AS LP from wear and tear.

The Durability of Four Post Lifts

In certain situations, automobiles might need to be stored for long periods of time. This means that two post lifts might not be the best option. However, a four post lift is a great solution for vehicles that need to be stored for a while. BendPak 4 post lifts are commonly used among those repairing vehicles in their own home. One reason many prefer this device is because it doesn’t cause a lot of foundation damage upon installation. The BendPak HD 7P is popular for those looking for a four post lift without having to give up large amounts of space. While not a traditional four post lift, the Ranger QuickJack portable lift works well for those working in tighter spaces.

Parking Lifts are Great Storage Solutions

You might find yourself needing items from tool distributors that are more suited for long term vehicle storage. In this case, you’ll want to utilize parking lifts. These lifts are often utilized in areas where there isn’t a lot of free space to work with. Parking lifts allow for multiple vehicles to be stored on top of each other. In addition, these mechanisms allow for minimal wasted horizontal space. Statistics show that $60 billion worth of automobile maintenance is ignored each year. This means that mechanics often find themselves dealing with cars in need of many repairs. If you own an auto repair company, parking lifts work well for storing vehicles until they can be properly worked on.

In closing, it’s important to understand the difference between three main types of parking lifts. These lifts are commonly utilized in both car repair shops and within home repair garages. Whether you need the access offered by the XPR 10AS LP or something like the BendPak HD 7P, it’s important to choose the right supplier. This ensure that you receive quality automobile lifts to solve both automobile repair and storage concerns.

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