January 15, 2025

The Top Five Tips To Help You Become A Do-It-Yourself Home Plumber

Hose clamp types

What makes do-it-yourself plumbing easier than ever before? It could be because of the Internet and how it makes information more accessible than a few decades ago. It also could be because of stainless steel clamps and the plethora of useful tricks it can have you achieving in a matter of minutes. When you’ve got leaks that need attending to or a potentially disastrous situation that needs to be held off until professional help arrives, knowing your way around stainless steel clamps will go a long way in keeping your sanity in-tact. Take a look at the top five tips below so you can get off on the right foot on your journey to become a do-it-yourself home plumber!

Get Yourself Some Hose Clamps And Screw Clamps

There are a ton of stainless steel clamps at your disposal. These are the best ways of sealing leaks, connecting tubes together and giving you peace-of-mind when you need a repair job to come together. Screw clamps are often used for hoses half an inch in diameter and up, while hose clamps are often used to moderate pressures. Think home and automotive applications for these ones.

Get Rid Of Your Duct Tape For Those Home Projects

Sure, tape can be a useful fixer-upper. But when you have a leak to keep in place? You’ll want to circumvent the duct tape and heavy duty zip ties in favor of an adjustable hose clamp. These are not only far more tough, they’re a lot less likely to slip or wear out over time. The simplest type of hose clamp is the spring clamp, defined by the strip of metal in the shape of a cylindrical spring. They’re easy to use and incredibly versatile, a mainstay in any do-it-yourself plumber’s tool box.

Know Your Terms And You’ll Go Far

Don’t know what a barb is? How about a hose? It’s important to know your terms so you know what to buy when you drop by the general store. Hose clamps are designed to maintain a tight seal between a hose and barb, though the latter is sometimes called a nipple. A stainless steel band is often used to ensure a strong fit and a spring can offer a quick fix-it job where others might require screwing or latching.

Avoid These Common Pitfalls

Since you’ll be trying to fix leaks or outright prevent them, there are a few things you shouldn’t do in order to stay safe. Remember to never remove stuck hoses by cutting or slitting them. You could accidentally leave a scratch on the barb, causing a future leak and a future call to your local plumbing. When you want to expand a hose clamp, just keep turning the screwdriver counterclockwise until it opens. Last, but not least: always wear gloves!

Know When To Fold And Call A Professional

There’s no shame in admitting when a project is out of your hands and you need a professional eye. In fact, hose clamps and screw clamps can be useful for simply delaying a worse leak so you can buy time to call emergency services. When gas, chemicals or any form of harmful liquid threatens to leak into your home, the last thing you want to do is put off getting the situation cleaned up as soon as possible. Do-it-yourself plumbing may seem tough, but a little knowledge goes a long way.

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